
Weather - Reactive Installation Concept
Custom Graphics Software
Dimensions Variable
Duration Infinite
The context with which we receive information determines its relevance. Information deemed relevant in one domain may not pass the significance threshold in another and go unnoticed.

Domain dependence is the failure to generalize relevant information from one context to another. This work explores the constraints domain dependence places on thought and problem solving.

Seasonality is a weather-reactive installation concept, using a real-time weather API to constrain the space of possible parameter states the artwork may enter. This limits the forms the work assumes, as priors limit the conclusions the brain may draw. Each state allows the viewer to interact with different subsets of parameters.

What is relevant in one state (e.g. the effect motion has on the visual) may no longer be relevant in the next.

Explore one of the algorithms powering this work in the WebGL sandbox below, or open in a new page here